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Matthew, Mark, Luke Vs the False Gospel of John

A clear explanation of the contradictions between John, and the synoptic gospels.
Tags: John  False  Fake  Anti-Christ  Deception  Yeshua  jesus  Bible 
With a careful examination of Yeshua's character within Matthew, Mark and Luke, we can clearly see an overall matching concept within the first 3; yet on examining John it is a completely different character, with numerous contradictions in theology and testimony overall.

  • Yeshua answered in parables, there are no real parables within the gospel of John.

  • The destroying of the temple, and then the bit about 'it being rebuilt in 3 days' is a lie, made up by false witnesses, according to both Matthew and Mark; whereas in John it is told as truth, and claimed to be in reference to the body. When it is entirely clear from the witness statements, that Yeshua stated: "not one brick shall stand on top of another." Clearly he didn't say 3 days, as the temple still hasn't been rebuilt.

  • Within the synoptic gospels, we find Yeshua turning over the money tables, and quoting scripture at them. Within John we find jesus being accused of tying knots at the end of a chord, thus making a whip, and then driving them out; this is used to portray Yeshua as being violent.

  • jesus in the gospel of John is said to be asked to a party by his disciples, which he answers no to; he then goes to the party secretly; this is used to say that he lied.

  • When asked about eternal life, Yeshua stated to follow the commandments and what's more to give up wealth and follow him. In John all you need to do is believe in his name, and that God sent him to the Jews to die as a sacrifice.

  • Yeshua stated to receive grace, you should give grace, and should do good works without questioning reward. John creates the statement the lamb of God, which people then think overall implies you get grace from a human sacrifice.

  • Whereas Yeshua sent his disciples out into the lost sheep of Israel; in John they are sent out into the world.

  • Whereas within the synoptic gospels and in prophecy, 'he was lead up silently' to Pilate and spoke a word in response. In John there is a long conversation about being 'the king of Israel, thus giving Pilate reason to kill him'.

  • Yeshua warns against those that would come after in all 3 gospels, and use the term "ego i-mee" (I Am) to deceive many; which is used 7x (+1) within John. These statements are then used to portray jesus as claiming himself to be God. If we examine the synoptic gospels in Greek, we can see that Yeshua used that term for God.

  • Yeshua said 'call no man on this earth your father'; whereas in John we find 'i, and the father are one' and 'that he whom has seen me, has seen the father'.

  • Throughout the Tanakh, and then in the synoptic gospels, the holy spirit existed; why would jesus then need to send it in the gospel of John.

  • Yeshua relates all doing the work of God (peacemakers), can become children of God; we find the term 'the only begotten son' used only within John.

  • This is still only a start to the many contradictions within John, as clearly there are numerous errors in theology throughout....
    Take into account, that who ever wrote the gospel of John, had a good knowledge of everything spoken behind closed doors of the pharisees and high council; as it records word for word, conversations that were private.
    It also is only found within the gospel of John, about a private meeting between Nicodemus the pharisee, and jesus at night. It is not even mentioned in the synoptic gospels about being 'born again'; so the only person likely able to record the conversations found within the gospel of John, would be Nicodemus.
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     Re: Matthew, Mark, Luke Vs the False Gospel of John

    Posted: 2015/7/17 12:24  Updated: 2015/7/17 12:24


    Joined: 2004/3/26
    From: Nottingham, UK
    Posts: 2923
    Yeshua said John the baptist was Elijah, it is denied in the gospel of John.
    Simon was from Capernaum, not Bethsaida like John says.
    John says jesus got the donkey himself.
    No kiss from Judas within John.
    Carried cross all the way on his own with John; Simon of Cyrene helped in the synoptic gospels.
    Multiple women came to the tomb, only Mary did in John.
    Was crucified the day of the passover in John or day after in the synoptic gospels.
    Women stood at distance from the cross in the synoptic gospels, John says they stood near by.
    Yeshua in the synoptic gospels doesn't say amen twice (verily, verily); yet it is used 25 times in John like he did.
    Yeshua said he didn't come to bring peace, John says he did.

    Vs Tanakh

    No one has ever seen God, when clearly the Bible says they have.

    11 times we're told that we should believe in jesus within John; yet he tells Simon to have faith in God, not himself.
    It is only in John that has the concept of believing in his name, that we're saved.
    People hated and didn't understand him in John, the multitude met to hear him.
    In John jesus is the light, everyone doing the work of God is light in the synoptic gospels.
    Call no man your father, yet claims the father is within him to Philip, and he who has seen him, has seen the father.
    All who work for God are children, only jesus is begotten in John.
    John said that God is the vine dresser; Yeshua said he is the owner of the vineyard.

    John vs john
    Disciples meet jesus at tomb in Galilee, then Sea of Tiberius, and then Jerusalem all on the same day, no time for travel.
    Testify of himself (5:31) not valid, and testifies of himself valid (8:14).

     Re: Matthew, Mark, Luke Vs the False Gospel of John

    Posted: 2016/7/3 9:52  Updated: 2016/7/3 9:53


    Joined: 2004/3/26
    From: Nottingham, UK
    Posts: 2923
    Another fascinating point; Yeshua repeatedly uses the word faith pistis G4102 within the Synoptic Gospels; yet there isn't a single usage by John, instead it tells you to believe in things G4100 pisteuo.

     Re: Matthew, Mark, Luke Vs the False Gospel of John

    Posted: 2017/10/11 14:38  Updated: 2017/10/11 18:50


    Joined: 2004/3/26
    From: Nottingham, UK
    Posts: 2923
    The word for Good-News/Gospel (G2097/G2098) isn't found in the Gospel of John; when Yeshua's whole point was teaching the Good-News of the coming of the Kingdom.

     Re: Matthew, Mark, Luke Vs the False Gospel of John

    Posted: 2018/3/5 13:43  Updated: 2018/3/5 13:43


    Joined: 2004/3/26
    From: Nottingham, UK
    Posts: 2923

    • Yeshua said we're all to be light; John makes it only jesus is the light.
    • Yeshua was accepted by thousands; John said he was hated by the world.
    • Yeshua said he was YHVH; John makes him the son.
    • Yeshua came to condemn the world; John said he came to bring peace.
    • Yeshua taught we get eternal life by serving the father; John makes it we can get eternal life by believing in his name.
    • Yeshua taught John the Baptist was the reincarnation (Gilgul) of Elijah; the Gospel of John says John the Baptist denied it.
    • Yeshua said he came to teach the knowledge of God; John says he came to die as the lamb of God.
    • Yeshua said not to drink alcohol, and disciples should drink water; John makes it look like jesus made water into wine.