Oneness - True Faith
Re: What about Russia? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:44
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
What do you mean? Are they gross or weird or what?
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Do you believe that God turned His Face away from Jesus on the Cross? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:37
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
If you look at the psalms in the old testament, you will see that their are no titles to each song in psalms. BAck then they would use the first line in the psalm to tell which song the were about to sing. This has been researched. In psalm22 the first line is what?..."My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?" If you keep reading you will see that David was singing a prophetic song about the cross. It is the whole story of the time that Jesus was on the cross.

Also, If God had to turn His back on the sin on Jesus then that means that He cannot look at us. He is the Forgiver of all sins great and small. Where does it ever say tht God turned His face or back on Jesus? It doesn't! If you can find it please show me where I will recant! He is the God that cannot fail and He would never fail me!

God was tired of animal sacrifice and some crazy nuts in other babylonian faiths were sacrficeing their kids! Something about a good harvest. No thanks, I'd rather starve! Anyway, God felt like people had grown up enough to be responsible for their own sins instead of making somebody else be the priest. God sent Jesus to be the ultimate and final blood sacrifice. So nobody else would have to die and no more animals. Now we can confess that we believe that Jesus is Lord, that eh was born of the virgin Mary, suffered and died on the cross for our sins an was raised to life again, thereby conquering death, hell and the grave......and believeing this, we will be saved if we confess it with our mouth!

Much easier than all that other stuff! I couldn't kill an animal anyway. poor thing!

So whatcha think?

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Re: do you believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:20
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
My Dear Wizanda,

How precious you are! There is not one soul that I do not weep in my heart over. You are precious and lovely to God. But what is wonderful is that He loves the unlovely and I know a lot of unlovely people that call themselves Christain and even other "tolerant" religions. I am so sad to know that you have been hurt by Christains. It is for us to love on every person. I like to call Jesus Yeshua also because that is his name. Mary called Him Jesus.

We are called to love people into the kingdom. The bible says that the Jews would be provoked by jealousy through the christains to believe. Who would want to be jealous of greedy, hateful and haughty people who only care that they are right. My uncle used to be like that. To have a deep passion toknow God and share the truth of what you know is awesome. But to be overzealous and condemning to the lost is certainly no way to win anyone to the cross!

I feel like the Lord has impressed upon me to pray for you. I think it is great to know about all these other faiths purely because the Holy spirit is present to show truth along the way. But may I offer a word of warning? Please be careful that with all this information, that your mind does not become clouded! I envy your knowledge. I will be reading these other beleifs to discuss them with you.

The Power of the Holy Spirit in my life has been my hope. I have seen the hem of Jesus' garment and His Bronzed feet beside me while I was on the floor in prayer. I was afraid to move when I felt a heavy arm around me. I was given a word that my migraines would be healed and even though it took a couple years, I am healed and haven't had a headache for such a long time!!! Praise Yeshua!

The scripture you have refered to is rather confusing to explain but I'll try. There are a lot of people who go to church and profess christianity and do really good works. But they do not love God they only fear Him and are afraid of hell. They worship God with their lips and their works but their hearts are far from Him. They are workers of iniquity and their works will be burned up in the fires of judgement. That is why Jesus says to depart from him because they are workers of iniquity.

Because we cannot be righteous on or own, Jesus became the lamb. Because, there is not anything we can do (unless any man should boast) to enter into the kingdom, Jesus took our sin upon Himself, took our sin upon Himself because we could never have enough faith on our own to be healed. Jesus became the scapegoat.

By the way,I must argue the point and I will post this question, Do you believe that God turned His back on Jesus because of the sin of the world being on Him? I say No way. I'll explain that in my other post !!!

I love talking to you!

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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/6/3 23:18
Just popping in
2005/2/15 15:57
Posts: 18
Just before changing the record, some clarifications follow to make things accurate:

You said:
"So since i have died before and seen heaven/Oneness and God.
Plus got a chance to see, who and what my soul is, does that mean we can then move on to discussing this? lol, sorry, Shalom, Namaste!!"

You ARE a soul. you cannot see what your soul is...

You said:
"These have been used by the powers that be to control as the word states from latin, re=to bring under or bring back to control, legion=group of people, this i was told by my mum who studied latin, yet i havent fully checked it my self."

If you check religion comes from the latin "religare" = to tie again, to tie fast.. to bind together..

You said:
"So if it is going to get better, we need to realise there is much knowledge with in these books."

There is much knowledge but not accurate knowledge and certainly God had nothing to do with them.

You said:
"As for the question, put your self in the role of the creator of exsistence, then work out what purpose we have."

We are eternal beings. We cannot be created neither destroyed. Souls are eternal. Matter is eternal too. Matter cannot be created neither destroyed, it can only be transformed...God did not create us. God did not create the world. It has always existed. (i'll be happy to discuss about this one more time)

You said:
"This is where i started the thread, as we can clearly see we are need to be part of the symbiosis.

Now the symbiosis is one, yet we have disconnected from this and become unlike any other specics even bacteria has a purpose."

Your thread will not be disconnected again. The purpose of a bacteria depends on the eyes which are looking at. The purpose of a bacteria changes if you are a scientist or if you are another bacteria....

You said:
"So change the record and choose what is best, rather then running a record that isn't in harmony."

In a predestined world you cannot change the "record", but yet if you are aware, you could. The songs in th record are eternal, it will play the same tune, but yet every time, we think the tune is new...the truth is a paradox.

Om Shanti.

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