scotty | 3 Errors in Christianity - Faulty Logics Exposed
Posted on: 2006/6/4 16:31 |
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2005/9/24 20:33 From California
This write up addresses three (3) particular elements of Christianity and the bible which can be viewed as faulty logic, errors in thinking and elements that hold humans back from essential spiritual growth needed to attain a more enlightened spirit and closer relationship to divinity. The three (3) errors are, #1 - Almost 100% of cults make a middleman or veil between the people and God, and this human filter is referred to as the logos in Greek. #2 - For many Christians the bible gives them a sense that only those who follow Christ will gain salvation and/or go to heaven. In John 14.6 it claims that he is the only way to God. #3 - The idea that all mortal humans are sinners and must repent which produces a negative endless cycle of sin, repent, sin, repent etc, this belief blocks people from divinity and doesn't allow people to believe they can make choices of goodness and be accountable.
The #1 elemental error within Christianity it's very construction of logos, a filter, a middleman placed in between the people and God. This tactic does make for a much more attractive and sellable religion because why not place a filter between God and the people? Because people can't even begin to comprehend what God is all about yet the filter (Jesus) can place God into a simple, definable, position by which the people can comprehend and value. Another this tactic is in error is humans should know that they came from God, that God is within each human, is all around us, and is purely eternal having no need for a logos. Do you not want that direct connection to God, or do you want a block between yourself and God? Having a direct connection to God should surely not leave one misguided, as having a direct, personal, and un-filtered connection to God without any type of interference from a person or sub element of God is a direct and true relationship with God. There's no chance of mans personal agenda getting into that clear, bright, unadulterated connection. The #2 elemental error within Christianity is the belief that Christians are the only people who are going to gain salvation and/or enter heaven (Some Christians in fact refer to themselves as "the chosen ones"). Having this exclusive belief places the believer in Christ into a major predicament of judgment by suggesting that ALL OTHERS ARE GOING TO HELL. Yet to judge others is a sin by biblical belief and being of a judgmental space is a manifestation of bad karma. But recent polls show that Christians of all types are showing much higher levels of tolerance and acceptance and in fact are coming to a position in which it appears that many are beginning to disregard the scripture of John 14.6. The Bibles scripture of John 14.6, says, Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." A Newsweek Poll asked 1004 American's, "Can a good person who isn't of your religious faith go to heaven or attain salvation, or not?" A staggering 68% of the Evangelical Protestants said, "YES". An incredible 83% of the Non-Evangelical Protestants said, "YES". And a near unbelievable 91% of Catholics polled said, "YES". (NewsWEEK/Beliefnet Poll - August, 1995 - Now, what does this say about these Christians belief in this scripture? Is it the realization finally, that ALL scripture is highly exposed to man's errors through their very interpretations of what someone said, the writing of it possibly skewed by the writers recording process of the prophets words, personal agendas, translations, time from when original recordings occurred until the present, and other forms of margins for error in the process of recording scripture. Lastly, almost 100% of all the other religions have the same type of scripture saying that their book and belief is the ONLY way. Perhaps ones ability to gain salvation and/or enter heaven is not based upon a persons choice of religious following or sacred text, rather shall be based upon ones CHOICES & ACTIONS. The #3 elemental error in Christianity resides within faulty logic. That faulty logic resides in the belief that ALL mortal humans are sinners and must repent. With such flawed thought one will NEVER gain ground towards closeness to God where they might be able to reach to God with their hand and reach to touch divinity. This belief also leads to a highly dysfunctional cyclic behavior of sin, repent, sin, repent, sin, repent and so on, leaving the person in a very negative cycle and by which they may never be exonerated from. More importantly is the very fact that this belief allows the follower to not be accountable for their actions. Since when can't we control ourselves? Have we not evolved enough spiritually to realize that, "SIN, IS A CHOICE"? Because sin is a choice, Sin is an ACTION. And people can be and should be accountable for their CHOICES & ACTIONS. How 2 billion people don't see through this faulty logic is unknown. Christianity is losing the most members of any other religion and at a rate that they have never seen before, perhaps due to glaring errors in belief such as this one. The sad thing is that the largest growth percentage is found in atheism. :( Likely from people feeling burned by so many man injected fusions of religions that they figure a God couldn't exist and do something like this to them. You are a temple within yourself; in your own right you have a soul and spirit that does not require an interpreter, or veil or someone to sacrifice them for you. And you have ALL the right by your very birth and life to have a pure, direct and personal connection to God. This is the surest and fastest way to total and utter enlightenment through taking actions and having accountability of oneself while walking in the light of God. So know in your heart, spirit and soul that all people have the right and deserve a direct connection to God, and know, that there is not just one religions or group whoi shall get into heaven, and take be accountable for your actions, as God most likely wants it this way. God Speed, | |
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scotty | Global Democracy meets Divine Unity
Posted on: 2006/5/25 11:06 |
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2005/9/24 20:33 From California
Brief Status of this document:
I am happy to inform you all that I have been able to condense and streamline this most important document for peoples consumption. I would be blessed and very content if you who read this document please share it with all of your friends and families and ask them for their input. I have so far shared this message amongst some top theologians, Mystics, Buddhists, Hinhuists and even some Evangelical Christians and unbelievably ALL of them stated that they thought this message was entirely possible, stood in enlightenment of the knowledge they had been offered and agreed 100% that this could happen. Perhaps the most powerful of feedback came when I ventured WAY out on a limb, I don't know but something DEEP inside me told me to go ahead and share the message with an online friend I have known for 3 years who is 100% Iranian and has lived in Iran all of her life. I felt some fear when I began sharing it with her (Hamide) but I found HUGE relief when she stated, "Scott, we are all sick and tired of our president here, and we are waiting for the AMericans to show up". She then supported that statement with an incredibly true and eral statement, that really places Iraq into the light of things even so with all the negative press Iraq has been getting, Hamide continued, "We want to be free like Iraq, our neighbors, regardless of the price, we want to be free and live in peace." I was shocked. So as you can see, in this again I tried to formulate a sense of wether or not this was a message of truth or not based upon a diverse peoples review of the message and their feedback. Still, I ask that you be totally unbiased in your review and comprehension of this writing and by all means I challenge you to come up with healthy debate as to why such an approach will not work. And one last point to share. That is, that when you read this message please keep in mind that the true possible definition of the Holy Grail is that the Grail is a, "Latent Miracle Power" and that it resides within all of us. Thank you all, and God Speed. Global Democracy meets Divine Unity: Imagine Baghdad, 90 degrees, streets paved in gold, sidewalk areas full of fresh fruits and nuts and offerings from mother nature, cool misting scented water spraying about, people dancing in the streets, people talking, holding hands, kissing, bands playing on the side walks, people performing magic..everyone barefootin... Yeah baby But honestly, might we ever get close to nirvana, paradise or heaven on earth? Can we not recognize the need for the entire mass of souls to come together, as one, to then reach for the ultimate plan, the last frontier? If indeed a latent miracle power resides within all souls then it would be safe to say that all souls come from the same source. That being said then the divine source should reside not only within each person, but be throughout the universe, everywhere, all the time. But how might we hand-hold ths along? Imagine for a moment if we are to combine such a theory as universal latent miracle powers within all, with worldwide democracy. Democracy, where America's founding forefathers have shown that, "All races and all religions, can live peacefully under the same umbrella." And take WWII for example. Prior to the fall of Hitler Europe was destine to become a very evil place, where no tolerance existed for race nor religion. But yet only 25 years after WWII Europe was indeed a democratic nation, combining many races, and many religions, while all living in peace under the same umbrella. Then the East fell, with the Berlin Wall and communism crushed, and democracy grows there. And with West and East Europe democracized the nest focus was on the middle east. With only Afghan, Iraq, Syria and Iran left to democracize the road will most likely lead east, to Asia. N. Korea potentially will be next, where a free and peaceful force shall instill once again, a democracy based upon equality, freedom and peace. And lastly, gaining momentum towards that final frontier, perhaps we will negotiate to finally bring down the last wall, the Great Wall of China. With worldwide democracy spread throughout, in all nations of the planet, there would likely be much less war, much smaller defense budgets, a humanity that finally realizes its purpose from the beginning; People will be more consciously able to address things such as poverty, violence, criminal rehabilitation without negative cycles, cures for illnesses without red tape & Beuracracy, the environment, equality and global unification. One might say, this won't work, it is world dominance. But it isn't. Look at America having 50 seperate states all states having their own little governments based upon the poeples vote and living in peace and freedom without fears of the other state attacking. Now expand that concept, where as all the world's nations become like states. Then there are those who might say, that is an EVIL PLOT! It is the very essence of a NEW WORLD ORDER. And I would address those in the dark and suggest that they open their eyes, and look at all of the signs, messages, rich histories and symbology and seek why it is not an evil plan. Here's a simple example of symbology having been right under our noses all along - the U.S. One Dollar Bill and more importantly, the three phrases in Latin that exist upon the bill. They mean, when translated: "E PLURIBUS UNUM", meaning "one nation from many people." "ANNUIT COEPTIS", means "God has favored our undertaking."' "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", is interpreted to mean "a new order for the world It translates into a "new order for the world", not a NEW WORLD ORDER. So seek, from within and throughout. Be aware, highly aware in the present moment, knowledgable from the past and visionary for the future. If you do this, you will find peace within the thought that we do have the ability to come together, to embrace each other without border, and with grand tolerance and love, we shall make for a total tranformation of oursleves and the planet we live in. For eternity. Much Peace, Love & Light, Scott Bruno A Gentle Warrior | |
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scotty | The Priory De Scion & Latest Grail definition
Posted on: 2006/5/21 5:41 |
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2005/9/24 20:33 From California
Here is one of my better A+ papers I did in college a few years back but there is a recent suprise added, and especially in te midst of the launch of the Da Vinci Code. You see, for there was an author that so enjoyed my writings about the Grail and secret societies that he asked for my address so that he could kindly send me a personalized version of his latest book, "The Grail Conspiracies". I obliged and hence received his book and perhaps the most profoundly exact and latest definiton of what the Holy Grail acually is. Here, I share with you what is written, known fiction, however the message is curiously on target when we align it with the method by which freemason masters are inducted into the system.
I realize that this may all seem a bit cryptic currently however, in good time, I promise to make the message more clear. Until then, enjoy this simple education on the Priory de Scion. In Love, Light & Columbia, Scott The Priory De Scion & Secret Societies by Scott Bruno Also known as the Priory of Sion, Priory of Zion, Priory of Scion, Priory de Sion, Priory de Scion and/or the Priory de Zion. Enter Priory De Scion. The world is laden with secret societies, both past and present. But what do these rarely talked about groups do and what are their aims? Perhaps the most interesting of all the secret societies is that of the Priory De Scion. Second to the Priory De Scion is a closely tied group dating back to 1099 called the Illuminati. To understand more about the various secret societies it takes careful research and delineation between fact and fiction. Furthermore, gaining a basic understanding of the definition of secret societies and how they work helps us better understand their place in society. A secret society formerly meant a society which was known to exist, but whose members and places of meetings were not publicly known. Today, we understand a secret society to be a society with secrets, having a ritual demanding an oath of allegiance and secrecy, prescribing ceremonies of a religious character, such as the use of the Bible, either by extracts there from, or by its being placed on an altar within a lodge-room, by the use of prayers, of hymns, of religious signs and symbols, special funeral services, etc. However there is a more elaborate description: Secret societies are those organizations which completely conceal their rules, corporate activity, the names of their members, their signs, passwords and usages from outsiders or the "profane." As a rule, the members of these societies are bound to the strictest secrecy concerning all the business of the association by oath or promise or word of honor, and often under the threat of severe punishment in case of violation. If such a secret society has higher and lower degrees, the members of the higher degree must be equally careful to conceal their secrets from their brethren of a lower degree. In certain secret societies, the members are not allowed to know even the names of their highest officers. Secret societies were founded to promote certain ideal aims, to be obtained not by violent but by moral measures. By this, they are distinguished from conspiracies and secret plots, which are formed to attain a particular object through violent means. Secret societies may be religious, scientific, political or social. (Rosen). Click Here for more Priory of Scion information In 1099 the first International banking firms in the world were set up by a group known as the Knights of Templar, a secret society that was created and sponsored by an even more secret society known as the Priory De Scion, also spelled or known as the Ordre de Sion or Prieure de Sion. The Priory De Scion had a strong influence across Europe during the Christian crusades and is said to have secret powers in Europe today, exercising their influence in the creation of the present European Union. But is the Priory De Scion truly still alive and well today? And could there be ties between the Priory De Scion, free masonry, modern day world leadership, and the forming of a one-world government? Step into the past, present and future and delve into why perhaps the Priory De Scion is alive and well and on schedule to once again rule the world in a modern day empirical era like never seen before. Leaders of the Priory De Scion include notable figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Nastradamus, Victor Hugo and perhaps a few other unmentionable but very distinguished people. Four recently similar published books combine these great people with the likes of the Priory De Scion. These books are The Illuminatus a Trilogy, Holy Blood / Holy Grail, Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code, all of which highlight the secret societies and their roles in the past. Although these books are fictional they are very well documented with real nomenclature and peoples names and affiliations involved within the Priory De Scion and the Illuminati. As leaders of the order it is apparent in all the writings that there was something very special to be protected. In order to gain a better understanding of what the Priory De Scion was, or is protecting, one must delve deeper into the latter motives of the order itself. It is said that the Priory De Scion was formed to protect a foremost worldly treasure, one beyond International banking itself. But what was it that they were protecting? Was it the Holy Grail, as we know it? Was it the Chalice that caught Jesus' Blood as he hang from the cross? If for a moment we realize that the chalice that was to have caught Jesus' blood was a symbol, rather than the actual Grail, than we know that the base of that symbol is Jesus' blood. Late breaking research suggests that the Holy Grail isn't a chalice at all, rather Jesus' bloodline. Several writings and theories show that perhaps Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. Mary was thought to have later escaped to Southern France with Joseph of Aramethia. It is also suggested that the children went on to form the Merovingian dynasty of the 500-700s. One of the children left in 1099 on the first crusade to claim his heritage as the King of Jerusalem and so the Priory of Scion was formed to protect the bloodline of Jesus (Brown). One must also keep in mind that at the time it was important for all men to be married. Making matters even more relevant is the fact that Constantine the Great was thought to have burned certain scriptures during the Council of Nicea, which was when Constantine and his council assembled the bible. The scriptures that were burned were those that spoke of Jesus as a mortal man. Some scriptures survived and were later discovered, they are the Dead Sea scrolls and the Coptic scrolls. Looking for more information on the Priory of Scion? Click Here. Keeping in mind that the Priory of Scion set up a military order recognized as the Knights of Templar and that there was a very important date in time of the Knights of Templar's history. During the middle ages, the superstition about Friday the thirteenth grew and still, to this day, Friday the thirteenth carries what some say is an unlucky theme. But how so? And why? Where did Friday the thirteenth come from? On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrests of Jaques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar's and sixty of his senior knights in Paris. Thousands of others were arrested elsewhere in the country. After employing torture techniques to compel the Templar's to "confess" to wrongdoing, most were eventually executed and sympathizers of the Templar's condemned Friday the thirteenth as an evil day. Years later America incorporated the number thirteen deeply into their system, perhaps by way of the original thirteen colonies, perhaps by way of the outright power in the number thirteen. Any way we look at it Friday the 13th and the number thirteen has become an interesting subject in American symbology to this date. (Johnson). The significance of the number thirteen in U.S. history is very strong. To delve even deeper into symbols and the United States we must take a closer look at the symbols found within the United States One Dollar bill. If you are to take a one-dollar bill out and examine it you will notice thirteen's in abundance. The number thirteen is used on many U.S. symbols (the stripes on the flag, steps on the Pyramid, thirteen stars above the eagle, thirteen plumes of feathers on each of the Eagle's wings, thirteen bars on the shield, thirteen leaves on the olive branch, thirteen fruits, and thirteen arrows) all represent the beginning of the United States as a country. And let us not forget to mention the " thirteenth Amendment". Welcome to more Priory of Scion information The Pyramid on the one dollar bill is UN-capped, which signifies that the United States was not yet finished. The centerpiece of this Mandela is the All-Seeing Eye - an important symbol within freemasonry and Rosicrucian traditions for hundreds of years. This pyramid is also the symbol by which the Illuminati signifies itself. So it is not surprising to find pride among occultists who understand the significance of this emblem: "Our beautiful seal is an expression of Freemasonry, an expression of occult ideas" (Wyckoff 56). Above the pyramid is the Latin "ANNUIT CŒPTIS", adapted from Vergil's Aeneid IX:625, means "God (Jupiter) has favored our undertaking." Below the pyramid the Latin "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", adapted from Vergil's Eclogues IV: 5, means "a new secular order has begun." Secular, because the United States government is a-religious, it endeavors to be disentangled in matters of faith and allow each citizen to follow his or her own reverent devotion. (Jensen). What makes the tie between the United States One Dollar Bill and the Illuminati is the use of the symbol of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye. Some say that there is really no reason for a pyramid to be on American legal tender. Others argue that the pyramid was placed there for good reason, and that indeed the illuminati had infiltrated the United States of America in 1776. Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 on the principles of his early training as a Jesuit. Originally called the Order of the Perfectibilists, "its professed object was, by the mutual assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil."(Mackey 474) The date of 1776 rings awfully true with the United States as it was the birth date of a young country destine to become an empire in good time. More great links to Priory of Scion information Some may argue that many of these secret societies have perished over time as evidence suggests that there are no recent clues as to the surfacing of the Priory De Scion or the Illuminati. The latest suggestion of secret societies was printed in a best selling book by author Dan Brown and was called the Da Vinci Code. Research shows that while much of Dan Brown's work in this book is traceable to the truth it is still a fictional work. And as the world becomes more intelligent, and more able to gather and share information, wouldn't it be apparent for such secret societies to move even further underground? With both Greece and Rome failing as empires of the past, now dawns a new empire in America the beautiful. Our Masonic Presidents, fifteen to date, all embraced the brotherhood of Freemasonry even as they represented differing political parties, followed different faiths and came from many different walks of life. United States presidents who were free masons were George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Grand Masters Lyndon B. Johnson (EA) and Gerald R. Ford (Denninger). Other famous masons include military leader such as General George B. McClellan, John Joseph Pershing and General Douglas MacArthur. The reason for bringing up the free mason's is due to the fact that many, if not all of those related to the Priory De Scion and the Illuminati, were high-level masons. As the United States moves from democracy to democratic empire it is no wonder why U.S. leadership may want something in common with those who started international banking and the Priory De Scion. It is doubtful that one would want to second-guess the use of forces to protect what may very well be Jesus' descendants. With symbols as loud and clear on the United States one-dollar bill as they are it is quite obvious to see the tie between international banking, the Illuminati, the Priory De Scion and free masonry. Recent strategical moves by the United States to spread democracy worldwide further help to strengthen this theory. And so the third empire, the United States of America, begins to gain momentum in what becomes "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", or a New Worldly Order has begun. Let us band together to provide our children with a more divine and spiritually rich earth. Clicking here will offer you much more info on the Priory of Scion Works Cited Brown, Dan. Angels and Demons. May 2000. Simon & Schuster: Pocket Books. Denninger, Alfred H. "Some Notable and Famous Masons" 2001-2004. Jensen, John. "The One Dollar Bill" 2000. Johnson, David. "Unlucky No. 13." 2000. Mackey, Albert G. Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Richmond, Virginia: 1966 Macoy Publishing. p.474. Rosen, Peter. The Catholic Church and Secret Societies. Milwaukee: 1902. Houtkamp & Cannon p. 2. Wyckoff, H. S. The Great American Seal. The Mystic Light, the Rosicrucian Magazine, p.56. Other reading: NEW! A new book out suggests that the Holy Grail is indeed NOT the chalice that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, or that same cup that caught Jesus' blood as he hung from the cross. Neither is the Holy Grail, as the Da Vinci Code suggested, Jesus' actual bloodline, or those children and descendants that were born by Mary Magdalene through her making love with Jesus. And lastly, the once heavily sought after "Spear of Longinus" by which a Roman soldier pierced the side of Jesus with, the same Spear of which Hitler so believed in its super natural and magical powers that he diverted a whole SS division to find the authentic spear instead of sending the battle strong division to counter the Invasion of Normandy. Yes, intriguing new ideas, based on the author's many years of research about the Holy Grail is the belief that the Grail is a, "Latent Miracle Power" and additional findings suggest that this Latent Miracle Power resides within all of us. Click here to check out Michael McGaulley's, "The Grail Conspiracies." | |
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scotty | Re: Powerful women
Posted on: 2006/5/21 5:24 |
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2005/9/24 20:33 From California
How about Columbia as a powerful woman? Yes, produced by none other than George Washington. Allow for me to share fictionally speaking:
I most recently came across this writing below, written as a piece of fiction by a gentleman named Steve who appears to have a female parner of sorts named Lyn. It seems to be that of a person's very personal experience, Steve's psychic cosmic experience, but that's not all. From the very get go this writing brings up historical truths not only from near ancient times of world history but more importantly it depicts functioning truths about America as a nation and specifically speaks to true physical locations and true physical people which stand tall in America's historical past. What is also interesting is how at first Lyn is present but then there is no account of her until the end where there is just an account of her bathroom. This leads me to believe that again, from a very personal standpoint and personal experience of Steve's, in this case Lyn becomes the opposing feature to Steve, i.e. Hot to cold, black to white, Ying to Yang, hence Male to Female and perhaps Lyn becomes Columbia. And although some physical places are re-named or have additional descriptors to them, they all still appear very real and very on target. With having such non-fictional elements in such a deep and brief piece of fictional work, I believe this story, like the Da Vinci Code, is a premier mixing of truths that reside within a fictional story. Perhaps I am still not too schooled in literature but lately I think we are beginning to see a trend where many more pieces of work, whether literary or movie, or media produced, are all taking on this fictional story but with very real peoples and places. i.e. Leonardo Da Vinci, Italy, secret societies, all real, but within a fictional context and book/movie. Now, with this new dawning of such a style, combined with the apparent new search for the truth in the world, one has to wonder if some of these stories are being fueled by leakers. Leakers being people such as those whistle blowers in the CIA and NSA who feel it is their duty to make public the secrets which cross the line of preserving our freedoms in the search for truth and doing so all the while preserving the very essence of what America is about. What's more, and here in lies perhaps the most powerful element behind the Da Vinci Code, is that the book and movie was actually a code in itself. And I would go so far as to say it is a code for the whole of society. Then one might ask, what is the actual code then, which is presumed to reside within the Da Vinci Code book and movie? Good question, and here may lie the answer. The true code to society and the main impact this code will have upon the world is that the Da Vinci Code has shown a way for writers and artists, and people within high places with access to highly secret levels, to now access a medium by which they can disclose the truth by placing it into a story of fiction. WOW! And perhaps this style will lend its hands and ears to exactly what we are shooting to do; be truthful in real time. To be Free. To get closer to the Grail and divinity, the simularities within all religions and hence this shall be done, as on earth, it is in heaven. Enjoy this read, it's not often that we get a fresh read on something this unique and exciting while being offered some insights into a never before known secret within this world's society. Personally, I am blown away at my most recent theoretical claim here. I am just stuck in trying to name it. Could it be called "relative fiction", "Neo-Fiction" "Light-Fiction"? Oh well, on with the very enlightening story......... AND SO- continuing with the Revelations I received in my recent trip to DC, this piece will chronicle our visit to Alexandria, Virginia, which took place on Monday. Now in my visits to the Ghost Capitol I had seen the large towering structure that I assumed to be the Grand Orient Lodge of Egyptian Freemasonry. It resembled the Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt, which is something I thought was part of the original design. Once Lyn and I actually arrived there, however, I discovered the old Grand Lodge 22 was rebuilt in the 20th century as the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. This was the tower I had witnessed the spirits of Cleopatra and Aaron Burr enter. The Memorial does indeed look exactly as I saw, and rests on a hill (chosen because it slopes at a precise 33.33 degree), which features a 33 foot-wide Masonic "G" within the compass and square. After getting a few photos of me in front of the G and on the front steps, Lyn and I went inside to find ourselves confronted by a huge bronze statue of George Washington flanked by wall-sized murals of the designing and building of the Federal District of Columbia. As soon as we entered an old man appeared, looking barely alive himself, and offered us a free tour. I will describe the rooms of the tour briefly, as more detail will follow when I tell of my return to the place's astral counterpart later that evening... The first stop was the Royal Arch Room of Capitular Masonry. It has three walls decorated with murals. On the west wall is a picture of a craftsman presenting his work for inspection. On the end wall is the scene of Moses at the Burning Bush. On the opposite side are pilgrims from Babylon getting their first view of Jerusalem. In between these is a circular panel portraying "the Vault of Discovery", which shows the Temple of Solomon in ruins (with his buried treasure supposedly beneath the rubble). The east wall shows angels teaching Solomon the Craft. The final wall is not a mural, but a recreation of the Holy of Holies from Solomon's Temple, wherein a replica of the Ark of the Covenant and the seven-branched menorah are on display. Also in this room are four grottoes that contain coin emblems of all the Masonic lodges throughout North America. The next stop on the tour, a few floors above, is the Chapel of the Knights Templar, which contains various artefacts from the crusades and features four beautiful stained glass windows, depicting "The Crucifixion", "The Ascension", "The Sermon on the Mount", and "The Healing of the Blind". Before the Crucifixion window lay a Templar altar, complete with the Red Cross and suit of medieval armour. Then we emerged from the elevator to find ourselves on the top floor of the tower, in the Tall Cedars of Lebanon Throne Room. This room was as advertised made completely from Lebanese cedar, as Solomon's original throne room was, and featured a recreation of his throne with seven candlesticks surrounding it and a large pentagram on the floor. Then we were let outside to wander the outer viewing terrace, from which one could see not only all of Alexandria but also Mount Vernon and Washington DC in the distance. Then we descended in the elevator and found ourselves in the rooms below the main entrance, which contain the gift shop and the George Washington museum, a display depicting his life in a series of cool interactive exhibits. Also on this floor are the original rooms of the Grand Orient Lodge of Egyptian Freemasonry, one of which held a special museum of GW's personal effects, including his chair, family Bible, and a clock that was stopped at the time of his death. On our way out I bought several items, among them post cards of the various rooms in the tower. One place that was shown but which we hadn't been allowed to see was enigmatically named "The Cryptic Room". It had a series of standard murals on its walls, showing scenes from the bible relevant to the masonry mythos. Also there was a strange series of arches, which regressed into the wall up to a weird half-moon-shaped window. About this, the postcard said: "The nine arches in the Cryptic Room lead to a mural so painted that it can only be seen with black light. It is the only mural in the world of this type and is one of the many marvels in this unique room built by the Royal and Select Masters." After this glaring cosmic clue was dropped on me, we decided it was time to leave, and we wandered the streets of Alexandria for the rest of the afternoon, getting lunch in the Old Historic part of the city. It was during the meal that I began to feel the Dead breathing down my neck. In the corner of my eye, occupying my peripheral vision, I saw a gathering of spirits, all men dressed in 18th century Masonic garb, watching me. The crowd faded after we left, but my inner vision was now turned on and I began to experience a weird sort of time slipping. As we walked the avenue that terminates before the huge "G" hill upon which the tower rests, I was simultaneously perceiving the Alexandria of 2001 and the city as it was in the late 1700s: A car racing by suddenly became a horse and carriage; the smell of exhaust changed into that of manure; the concrete sidewalk became a muddy roadside path; and so on. Finally, the last vision of this kind hit me when I looked at a modern day streetlight. It faded away to be replaced by a man in a rumpled brown overcoat, wig, and white leggings, standing on the corner reading a thin newspaper. I studied the paper carefully, a bit put off by the odd typeface, but caught the date just as the vision faded: August 10th, 1790. This was intriguing because it is the date which Washington and his architects designed the Federal Triangle's celestial alignments around. Then I was returned fully to the present and we left, riding through DC on our way back to Lyn's pad. Then later, in the middle of the night, I got up to use the bathroom, but never made it. As I stepped through the bathroom doorway I was hit with "that old cosmic flash" and suddenly, I was back inside the Alexandria temple, standing before the huge bronze statue of GW. As I contemplated the statue I felt the cold hand of death on my shoulder, and spun around to face the spirit of Washington himself. He did not appear as I expected. I had seen him in the Ghost Capitol, but only from behind; now as I looked up at his face I noticed that it was hard and unmoving, as if cut from stone. He wore a large Napoleonic-style hat, and in the huge hat's exact center was the Illuminati Eye-within-triangle. Out of this Eye poured an aura of intelligence, and I knew that the consciousness of GW's spirit was in fact contained within that Eye, as if he had become one with Divine Providence itself. A beam of white light shot forth from the Eye, flowing to the left of the statue towards the stairs which led down into the rooms that contained the old Egyptian Lodge 22. His huge hand pushed me forward along the beam, silently guiding me through the corridors and into the large main gathering hall of the lodge. Within awaited the crowd of spirits I had seen earlier, all of them gazing intently at me as they parted and let us pass to the center of the room. In the exact center lay a cubical glass case. I looked within it and saw the familiar Masonic artefacts of Bible, compass, and square. Then the voice of Washington's ghost echoed throughout the place. His lips did not move as he spoke; rather, the Eye itself seemed to be the source of the voice. "The Eye of Providence is always watching you," the voice said, "and the Dead stand ready to guide and guard you in your quest." Then the white light poured forth again, hitting the glass case and illuminating it with a flash. Inside I saw the compass and square float up as a miniature version of ME appeared beneath them. The Bible changed at this moment, the words on its cover morphing into my name. Then a series of hands appeared in the air around my miniature form. I knew these hands belonged to the seven members of the founding fathers Congressional Council. Each of them in turn took the compass and touched it to a different part of my doll-like form, adding a colour corresponding to their position in the ABRAXAS spectrum: John Adams turned my feet black; James Madison made my legs go green; Alexander Hamilton's touch turned my crotch yellow; next, Ben Franklin's made my stomach area orange; Washington turned my arms and chest red; then Thomas Jefferson made my shoulders and neck purple; and finally, the hands of Aaron Burr changed my replica's head blue. As they performed this alchemical procedure, the book of my life flew open, stopping at a series of pages corresponding to the cosmic content that each officer represented. Then, from behind me Washington pushed my astral form INTO the case; I experienced a moment of disorientation as I was thrust into the odd rainbow body, coming out of the daze to find myself now in the Royal Arch Room. I was in fact standing behind the curtains of the Holy of Holies; the Ark was on my left, the seven-branched candlestick on my right. I stepped out from behind the curtain and saw that GW's ghost was waiting for me, standing before the "Vault of Discovery" mural. "The individual and collective can no longer be separate," the voice said, "for the spiritus mundi measures your stone." I was surprised by his use of the Latin term spirtus mundi- "soul of the earth"- which was one of CG Jung's favourite code-phrases for the ABRAXAS intelligence. The huge hands of GW then grabbed my shoulders and thrust me into the last of the four grottos cut into the walls of the room. I looked at the display of coin emblems, noting that one of them was glowing. It was under the heading of Rhode Island lodges, and as I looked closer I saw on it the image of the double-headed bird and my name written underneath. The coin then shot off of the wall and hit me square on the forehead, knocking me back. There was a flash and suddenly I was in the Knights Templar Chapel. The first thing I noticed was that the stained glass windows were different. Instead of scenes from Christ's life, they now depicted scenes from my own life in chronological order. The first one, behind the altar, showed the initial meeting I had with my mentor, Ross. He and I sat on a park bench looking up at the sky; above us hovered the Eye of Providence. The next window showed my cosmic collaborator, Greg, and I on either sides of a cauldron; out of the cauldron we were conjuring the demon Zarathos, who rose up above us and had the Eye upon his flaming forehead. The third window was from the next stage in our cosmic adventures, a quaternally divided depiction of Greg, myself, and our two other cosmic partners Warren and Mike; the Eye was at the cross point in the middle of the four panels. The last window showed me kneeling before My Divine Mistress Cleopatra, who was wearing an Isis headress with the Eye staring out of its sun-disk crown. Then I heard a voice from behind me, someone speaking with a thick French accent, who asked: "Are you a man of honor?" I turned around and there was Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Kinghts Templar and current Chief Justice of the Ghost Capitol's Cosmic Supreme Court. He was dressed in full crusader regalia, bright red cross on his chest, a large sword as big as him strapped across his back. I did not answer him, so surprised was I to see him instead of GW. I was even more surprised when De Molay then slapped me across the face -- hard! "Your destiny is upon you!" he shouted as I rubbed my astral jaw. "It is pride that shall determine whether you succeed or fail. Will you be great or terrible?" He was grabbing me and shaking me at this point. "You are close enough to success that each step is crucial. The closer you are, the easier it is to fail! I KNOW!" He let me go and stepped back, whipping out his sword. On the blade was written in large red letters: THE PRECIPICE OF BECOMING. Then he reached into his robes with the other hand and produced the elegant Islamic scroll that I had seen Peter the Great hand off to Colonel Burr (see Ghost Capitol recap pt 2). "Awaken from your ego!" De Molay shouted in my face. "Do you think a selfish man could understand what is written here?" He shook the scroll before me. "Do you understand? ARE YOU A MAN OF HONOR?" "YES!" I finally shouted back at him. With that, he hit me over the head with the flat of his blade, and I was thrust into another place. Now I found myself in what I quickly recognized as The Cryptic Room. Washington's ghost was there, standing before the nine-arched steps leading up to the weird half-moon mural. "What is this place?" I asked him as I gazed into the archway. The mural was in fact a kind of holographic window, in which I could see various scenes from history playing out. "When we captured the course of history during the Revolution," the booming voice of the Eye explained, "we imprisoned it here, within the Matrix," I was astonished at the use of the term Matrix, knowing what modern mythos implications it has. In a silent confirming response, Washington nodded as the voice continued. "From here we have directed history, waiting for the Sleeper to awaken." "Who is the Sleeper?" I asked as the scenes of history played out within the Matrix window." Columbia," the Eye responded. "Spirit of the New Republic. "I watched and saw the scenes within the window slow, until they stopped at one in particular. It showed the top of the Memorial's tower, and on that slim outer walkway I saw two figures- Washington's Ghost and my own astral from! As I realized this, the viewpoint of the window swooped in towards my double, and suddenly I was in the scene, with GW on the outer balcony overlooking the Potomac River. The scene was real, that is we were not looking out at the Ghost Capitol- rather, it was night time view of the actual Washington DC area. In the skies above DC I saw the three constellations of Bootes, Virgo, and Leo hanging in the sky. GW's ghost clapped his huge hands togethr, and the three stars of Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus were joined by a triangle of white light. At the same time, on the ground below, the Federal triangle lit up, as lines of fire connected the White House, Washington Monument, and Capitol Building. Then the voice Divine Providence shouted out, louder than before, like a trumpet from the heavens: "THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN!" The triangle of starlight met the triangle of fire at the point above the White House, just as the yearly August 10th effect illustrates. There was a huge eruption of colored energies from within the space marked by the two triangles meeting. Out of that explosion there arose a gigantic goddess figure, the child of Nature's God, none other than Columbia, spirit of America. The goddess yawned as She came to life, and below Her I saw the White House tremble and shake. She reached out across the skies, Her magnificent hand coming for me. Just before it reached our position, I was suddenly back, standing in the doorway of Lyn's bathroom. | |
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