Oneness - True Faith
The Priory De Scion & Latest Grail definition Posted on: 2006/5/21 5:41
Just popping in
2005/9/24 20:33
From California
Posts: 25
Here is one of my better A+ papers I did in college a few years back but there is a recent suprise added, and especially in te midst of the launch of the Da Vinci Code. You see, for there was an author that so enjoyed my writings about the Grail and secret societies that he asked for my address so that he could kindly send me a personalized version of his latest book, "The Grail Conspiracies". I obliged and hence received his book and perhaps the most profoundly exact and latest definiton of what the Holy Grail acually is. Here, I share with you what is written, known fiction, however the message is curiously on target when we align it with the method by which freemason masters are inducted into the system.

I realize that this may all seem a bit cryptic currently however, in good time, I promise to make the message more clear. Until then, enjoy this simple education on the Priory de Scion.

In Love, Light & Columbia,


The Priory De Scion & Secret Societies by Scott Bruno

Also known as the Priory of Sion, Priory of Zion, Priory of Scion, Priory de Sion, Priory de Scion and/or the Priory de Zion.

Enter Priory De Scion. The world is laden with secret societies, both past and present. But what do these rarely talked about groups do and what are their aims? Perhaps the most interesting of all the secret societies is that of the Priory De Scion. Second to the Priory De Scion is a closely tied group dating back to 1099 called the Illuminati. To understand more about the various secret societies it takes careful research and delineation between fact and fiction. Furthermore, gaining a basic understanding of the definition of secret societies and how they work helps us better understand their place in society.

A secret society formerly meant a society which was known to exist, but whose members and places of meetings were not publicly known. Today, we understand a secret society to be a society with secrets, having a ritual demanding an oath of allegiance and secrecy, prescribing ceremonies of a religious character, such as the use of the Bible, either by extracts there from, or by its being placed on an altar within a lodge-room, by the use of prayers, of hymns, of religious signs and symbols, special funeral services, etc. However there is a more elaborate description: Secret societies are those organizations which completely conceal their rules, corporate activity, the names of their members, their signs, passwords and usages from outsiders or the "profane." As a rule, the members of these societies are bound to the strictest secrecy concerning all the business of the association by oath or promise or word of honor, and often under the threat of severe punishment in case of violation. If such a secret society has higher and lower degrees, the members of the higher degree must be equally careful to conceal their secrets from their brethren of a lower degree. In certain secret societies, the members are not allowed to know even the names of their highest officers. Secret societies were founded to promote certain ideal aims, to be obtained not by violent but by moral measures. By this, they are distinguished from conspiracies and secret plots, which are formed to attain a particular object through violent means. Secret societies may be religious, scientific, political or social. (Rosen).

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In 1099 the first International banking firms in the world were set up by a group known as the Knights of Templar, a secret society that was created and sponsored by an even more secret society known as the Priory De Scion, also spelled or known as the Ordre de Sion or Prieure de Sion. The Priory De Scion had a strong influence across Europe during the Christian crusades and is said to have secret powers in Europe today, exercising their influence in the creation of the present European Union. But is the Priory De Scion truly still alive and well today? And could there be ties between the Priory De Scion, free masonry, modern day world leadership, and the forming of a one-world government? Step into the past, present and future and delve into why perhaps the Priory De Scion is alive and well and on schedule to once again rule the world in a modern day empirical era like never seen before.

Leaders of the Priory De Scion include notable figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Nastradamus, Victor Hugo and perhaps a few other unmentionable but very distinguished people. Four recently similar published books combine these great people with the likes of the Priory De Scion. These books are The Illuminatus a Trilogy, Holy Blood / Holy Grail, Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code, all of which highlight the secret societies and their roles in the past. Although these books are fictional they are very well documented with real nomenclature and peoples names and affiliations involved within the Priory De Scion and the Illuminati. As leaders of the order it is apparent in all the writings that there was something very special to be protected. In order to gain a better understanding of what the Priory De Scion was, or is protecting, one must delve deeper into the latter motives of the order itself.

It is said that the Priory De Scion was formed to protect a foremost worldly treasure, one beyond International banking itself. But what was it that they were protecting? Was it the Holy Grail, as we know it? Was it the Chalice that caught Jesus' Blood as he hang from the cross? If for a moment we realize that the chalice that was to have caught Jesus' blood was a symbol, rather than the actual Grail, than we know that the base of that symbol is Jesus' blood. Late breaking research suggests that the Holy Grail isn't a chalice at all, rather Jesus' bloodline. Several writings and theories show that perhaps Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. Mary was thought to have later escaped to Southern France with Joseph of Aramethia. It is also suggested that the children went on to form the Merovingian dynasty of the 500-700s. One of the children left in 1099 on the first crusade to claim his heritage as the King of Jerusalem and so the Priory of Scion was formed to protect the bloodline of Jesus (Brown). One must also keep in mind that at the time it was important for all men to be married. Making matters even more relevant is the fact that Constantine the Great was thought to have burned certain scriptures during the Council of Nicea, which was when Constantine and his council assembled the bible. The scriptures that were burned were those that spoke of Jesus as a mortal man. Some scriptures survived and were later discovered, they are the Dead Sea scrolls and the Coptic scrolls.

Looking for more information on the Priory of Scion? Click Here.

Keeping in mind that the Priory of Scion set up a military order recognized as the Knights of Templar and that there was a very important date in time of the Knights of Templar's history. During the middle ages, the superstition about Friday the thirteenth grew and still, to this day, Friday the thirteenth carries what some say is an unlucky theme. But how so? And why? Where did Friday the thirteenth come from? On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrests of Jaques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar's and sixty of his senior knights in Paris. Thousands of others were arrested elsewhere in the country. After employing torture techniques to compel the Templar's to "confess" to wrongdoing, most were eventually executed and sympathizers of the Templar's condemned Friday the thirteenth as an evil day. Years later America incorporated the number thirteen deeply into their system, perhaps by way of the original thirteen colonies, perhaps by way of the outright power in the number thirteen. Any way we look at it Friday the 13th and the number thirteen has become an interesting subject in American symbology to this date. (Johnson).

The significance of the number thirteen in U.S. history is very strong. To delve even deeper into symbols and the United States we must take a closer look at the symbols found within the United States One Dollar bill. If you are to take a one-dollar bill out and examine it you will notice thirteen's in abundance. The number thirteen is used on many U.S. symbols (the stripes on the flag, steps on the Pyramid, thirteen stars above the eagle, thirteen plumes of feathers on each of the Eagle's wings, thirteen bars on the shield, thirteen leaves on the olive branch, thirteen fruits, and thirteen arrows) all represent the beginning of the United States as a country. And let us not forget to mention the " thirteenth Amendment".

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The Pyramid on the one dollar bill is UN-capped, which signifies that the United States was not yet finished. The centerpiece of this Mandela is the All-Seeing Eye - an important symbol within freemasonry and Rosicrucian traditions for hundreds of years. This pyramid is also the symbol by which the Illuminati signifies itself. So it is not surprising to find pride among occultists who understand the significance of this emblem: "Our beautiful seal is an expression of Freemasonry, an expression of occult ideas" (Wyckoff 56). Above the pyramid is the Latin "ANNUIT CŒPTIS", adapted from Vergil's Aeneid IX:625, means "God (Jupiter) has favored our undertaking." Below the pyramid the Latin "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", adapted from Vergil's Eclogues IV: 5, means "a new secular order has begun." Secular, because the United States government is a-religious, it endeavors to be disentangled in matters of faith and allow each citizen to follow his or her own reverent devotion. (Jensen).

What makes the tie between the United States One Dollar Bill and the Illuminati is the use of the symbol of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye. Some say that there is really no reason for a pyramid to be on American legal tender. Others argue that the pyramid was placed there for good reason, and that indeed the illuminati had infiltrated the United States of America in 1776. Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati of Bavaria on May 1, 1776 on the principles of his early training as a Jesuit. Originally called the Order of the Perfectibilists, "its professed object was, by the mutual assistance of its members, to attain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil."(Mackey 474) The date of 1776 rings awfully true with the United States as it was the birth date of a young country destine to become an empire in good time.

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Some may argue that many of these secret societies have perished over time as evidence suggests that there are no recent clues as to the surfacing of the Priory De Scion or the Illuminati. The latest suggestion of secret societies was printed in a best selling book by author Dan Brown and was called the Da Vinci Code. Research shows that while much of Dan Brown's work in this book is traceable to the truth it is still a fictional work. And as the world becomes more intelligent, and more able to gather and share information, wouldn't it be apparent for such secret societies to move even further underground? With both Greece and Rome failing as empires of the past, now dawns a new empire in America the beautiful. Our Masonic Presidents, fifteen to date, all embraced the brotherhood of Freemasonry even as they represented differing political parties, followed different faiths and came from many different walks of life. United States presidents who were free masons were George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Grand Masters Lyndon B. Johnson (EA) and Gerald R. Ford (Denninger). Other famous masons include military leader such as General George B. McClellan, John Joseph Pershing and General Douglas MacArthur. The reason for bringing up the free mason's is due to the fact that many, if not all of those related to the Priory De Scion and the Illuminati, were high-level masons.

As the United States moves from democracy to democratic empire it is no wonder why U.S. leadership may want something in common with those who started international banking and the Priory De Scion. It is doubtful that one would want to second-guess the use of forces to protect what may very well be Jesus' descendants. With symbols as loud and clear on the United States one-dollar bill as they are it is quite obvious to see the tie between international banking, the Illuminati, the Priory De Scion and free masonry. Recent strategical moves by the United States to spread democracy worldwide further help to strengthen this theory. And so the third empire, the United States of America, begins to gain momentum in what becomes "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", or a New Worldly Order has begun. Let us band together to provide our children with a more divine and spiritually rich earth.

Clicking here will offer you much more info on the Priory of Scion

Works Cited

Brown, Dan. Angels and Demons. May 2000. Simon & Schuster: Pocket Books.

Denninger, Alfred H. "Some Notable and Famous Masons" 2001-2004.

Jensen, John. "The One Dollar Bill" 2000.

Johnson, David. "Unlucky No. 13." 2000.

Mackey, Albert G. Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Richmond, Virginia: 1966 Macoy Publishing. p.474.

Rosen, Peter. The Catholic Church and Secret Societies. Milwaukee: 1902. Houtkamp & Cannon p. 2.

Wyckoff, H. S. The Great American Seal. The Mystic Light, the Rosicrucian Magazine, p.56.

Other reading:

NEW! A new book out suggests that the Holy Grail is indeed NOT the chalice that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, or that same cup that caught Jesus' blood as he hung from the cross. Neither is the Holy Grail, as the Da Vinci Code suggested, Jesus' actual bloodline, or those children and descendants that were born by Mary Magdalene through her making love with Jesus. And lastly, the once heavily sought after "Spear of Longinus" by which a Roman soldier pierced the side of Jesus with, the same Spear of which Hitler so believed in its super natural and magical powers that he diverted a whole SS division to find the authentic spear instead of sending the battle strong division to counter the Invasion of Normandy.
Yes, intriguing new ideas, based on the author's many years of research about the Holy Grail is the belief that the Grail is a, "Latent Miracle Power" and additional findings suggest that this Latent Miracle Power resides within all of us. Click here to check out Michael McGaulley's, "The Grail Conspiracies."

Scott Bruno
A Gentle Warrior
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Re: The Priory De Scion & Latest Grail definition Posted on: 2006/5/21 13:55
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2874
Yeh I thought that is why I hadn't seen you, thought it was your movie, well I know you were 1st anyways...

N B with U
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