Oneness - True Faith
Letter to London Beth Din Posted on: 2024/4/28 9:29
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
Original bullet points for the letter

  • Avatar establishing Divine Right - As the return of king David, Yeshua, Zion/Zan.

  • Sent from Heaven, with advanced religious info since young - where this is prophesied globally before Judgement Day.

  • Fulfilled multiple prophecies in the Bible before any knowledge on it.

  • I appointed 7th Beggar a Jewish professor of Kabbalah 18 years ago, to inform his religious experts of info that could prevent Armegeddon, and thus to save the Middle East; yet he has refused, and instead has asked for a date of Israel's destruction - in an attempt to debunk all our claims.

  • Over the last 18 years I've shared with 7th where the New Testament was ordained to be purposefully corrupted by the Pharasaic authors (John, Paul, Simon petros), to manipulate what Yeshua tried to fix.

  • 7th instead of get Jewish experts, has got his friends Olam Chesed Yibaneh & Rav Zombie to mock the whole thing.

  • Questions

  • Do we have any legal rights to defend the Jewish people & humanity, since 7th & his friends have said that they will witness in court that he has said, "Though he is aware that billions of people will die if he ignores prophecy, he doesn't believe what I've stated, unless experts confirm it."?

  • If it is provable from the world's religious prophecy that I've been sent from Heaven, to try to avoid global destruction, can the Jewish courts establish their own prophetic fulfilment? - Especially when the office of Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis rejected the offer to save humanity.

N B with U
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Re: Letter to London Beth Din Posted on: 2024/4/29 7:44
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932

  • Based on that we can show within the Bible, and early Christian Church history (Ebionites), it is clear that as a Divine ambassador we can prove that the Rabbis purposefully corrupted the original Gospel, to rewrite it for the Gentiles; this has been defamation of character, and since prophecy says God has a legal right to destroy those who've lied to humanity, I request your help in rectifying the situation.

  • The alternative to not fixing this situation will be Armegeddon, and then Betelgeuse will be going supernova; where after God will only resurrect those on our Messianic Guestlist.

N B with U
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Re: Letter to London Beth Din Posted on: 2024/6/19 21:29
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
This is the letter that has been sent

Questioning our Legal Rights to Protect Humanity

Shalom Aleichem,

I'm writing to you to see if I've got any legal rights to defend the Jewish people, and humanity; where I believe as a child I was given advanced knowledge by God to try to prevent Armageddon - which according to the texts is directly caused by the Pharisaic corruptions of the Gospel.

I've known since 4-5 years old that I'm sent as an Avatar, where my name is in the world's religions, and since 5-6 years old have known advanced details from two thousand years ago. Over the last 20 years online of studying different religions, and debating what God gave me to share, I've now got a considerable list of references to variations of our name within the world's religious texts, where many are recorded prior to Judgement coming on mankind.

I'm not exactly a scholar, and so don't really know how to put forward a case to a Jewish court or a case for experts to address all these details. I'm also not exactly what is expected by many of the religious believers, and therefore can understand from a Rabbinic perspective, that this doesn't sound anything like what your rabbis thought will happen.

18 years ago I met a professor of Kabbalah from New Jersey, on a chat system called Paltalk, where his username is The Seventh Beggar, based on the tale by Rabbi Nachman. I've consistently asked him everyday for 18 years whilst debating on the chat system, to pass on the knowledge I'd been given to the Rabbis, as to try to prevent the destruction of humanity; instead 7th has spent the time bullying & obfuscating, and refusing to acknowledge that people will suffer, if he doesn't take these prophetic implications seriously.

This was prophesied in Luke 18:2-8 - of an 'Unjust Judge', who'd leave the people to die, and a 'Fake Jew' in Revelation 3:9-12 - where my name Zanda aligns with prophecy globally, and is similar to the New name of Christ (Sananda), the name of the Archangel who is a Pillar in the Temple of God (Sandalphon), the name of the New Jerusalem (Zion), and the name of the Creator in many cultures (Zan).

For years I've been explaining to 7th, that three years before reading the Bible I fulfilled Revelation 10 of the Last Trumpet, at a sacred mountain in Ibiza called Atlantis - where many ancient cultures believed it to be a doorway to Heaven. At this same time I was given wisdom about the Bible; where Yeshua came to lay down a Snare, by establishing a legal exam by his Testimony.

Over the last 8 years I've also conversed with a person with the username Olam Chesed Yibaneh in 7th's chatroom, who claims to have a masters of Talmudic studies, and lives in Israel; where between them, instead of take on board the data I was given by God to prevent Armageddon, they've asked for a date for the destruction of Israel - where they believe if the date doesn't happen, that will then prove me as a fake prophet.

The problem with both of their appraisals of what is going on, is that they are not dealing with all the data in the case, as they've stated from their vantage point, that they only deal with what the rabbis & experts confirm. So they've asked me to write to the Chief Rabbi, and so I wrote to Ephraim Mirvis back on 25th of August 2023; who after I phoned his secretary Raquel, they recognized that the emails had been received, yet declined the offer to look into what God has sent me with. You can find the content of what was stated in the emails here on our site.

Since 7th & Olam declared that Ephraim Mirvis wasn't a high enough level of understanding, I'm now writing to yourselves on their requests, and to cover my own liabilities; so that I've requested that the knowledge God gave me is examined at the highest authority for Rabbinic Judaism, before what is prophesied is then fulfilled.

Based on lots of study of the religious texts, I believe I'm now able to prove that I'm the reincarnation of King David, then Yeshua, and now Zion/Zan as part of prophetic utterances ascribed in the Bible.

There is a massive amount of information to the case I'm presenting, and though I summarized some of it in my letter to Ephraim Mirvis, there are multiple prophecies I fulfilled before reading the Bible, and other religious texts globally.

At 15 years old God spoke to me in a vision whilst walking down the train-line, where I saw global eschatology explained, and was asked to read the world's religions - then to appeal to the people, before we come to the Great Tribulation. Since that time I've read many religious texts, and found that multiple prophecies globally have a variation of my name as the final Avatar, ascribed before we come to Judgement Day, and then the Resurrection of the Dead.

I'm curious do I have any legal rights when this is a part of Hebraic prophecy in the Bible, to prove Divine Right, and to have the case God gave me examined properly, so that scripture can become the fire, rather than an annihilation bringing the Judgement?

My wish since 5-6 years old has always been to educate the people about the Pharisaic corruptions instead; even though God did warned me at that age, that they'd not listen, and thus why I'm writing to you before the Great Tribulation, to see if there is anything the highest Rabbinic authority can do to help?

Basically the Bible is extremely cryptic, and there are many mechanisms that God has shown me, that could then be taught; even the idea the New Testament was purposely corrupted by the Pharisaic authors (John, Paul, and Simon), can be shown as an ordained morality exam.

I've been asking 7th & Olam to help share this information as an education tool, so that it doesn't cause an affray against the Jews; because if everyone realized that Pharisaic Judaism made up Christianity, as to end the original Jewish Ebionites, this will cause more trouble.

Islam was a continuation of the Ebionites, where Muhammad's relation inspired him to understand that they were aggrieved that the Bible became corrupted; it is possible to fix these issues if done diplomatically, yet I do not know a way on my own to do so, without it still leading to Armageddon without your help.

I'd be grateful to understand if you can do anything to help, and if not, is there anyone else I could write to with more authority?

N B with U
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Re: Letter to London Beth Din Posted on: 2024/7/11 16:22
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
After just phoning your office, I've been asked by Suzanne to resend this email to yourselves; to see if it can be passed on to someone who can look into it.

If you could reply to let me know if you've actually received this email, that would be useful; even if you think all the ideas I'm presenting are bizarre, at least that way we know that legally I've presented you with the case that God gave us, to share with you before Judgement Day.

This is only a start of religious prophecy globally that is being fulfilled, and I'd appreciate that if you do not have the authority or knowledge to look into it, that at least someone could address that - thank you.

Thank you, Zanda for your email, which has been read



London Beth Din

N B with U
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