Oneness - True Faith
Do you Believe Humans are affecting the Climate change?
We could do more to help
We have chopped all the tree down
Its natures course
Partially our fault
It caused by something else
"Climate Change Swindle Documentary" fact or fiction? Posted on: 2007/3/11 17:32
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932

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Re: "Climate Change Swindle Documentary" fact or fiction? Posted on: 2007/3/12 4:49
Just can't stay away
2006/11/9 0:28
From MD. (U.S.)
Posts: 82
We are, no doubt, a contributing factor. It is difficult to

know or destinguish, beyond that, natural processes from human intervention.

I've heard claims that because of increased carbon dioxide

and forestry, that oxygen levels have decreased 10 percent

over the last 40 years. 25 Percent was once the norm. Now,

in some cities, single digits have been recorded. So yes,

I think we've had something to do with it.
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Re: "Climate Change Swindle Documentary" fact or fiction? Posted on: 2007/3/12 14:12
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
To me cutting down trees is the biggest part of it as they produce ozone.

Yet then on speaking about cost of electricity this morning, and inflation again, it made me wonder how much publicity saying how bad it is and how much we need to reduce emission, accounts for rising costs?
so i wonder how much is reality and as that says "the sun spots causes it"??

In which case we will still be in for a shock according to the Mayans sun spot calendars, yet we will see...
Point is though, i do feel all this added response from the media informing us how bad things are getting, also gives the government more powers to increase costs, as they just did on flights out of the UK, thus imprisoning UK convicts even more.

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