Oneness - True Faith
Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/31 21:36
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
ok. you are only accountable for what you know and and innocent baby doesn't know anything except that it is hungry, hurting or in some other form of need.

Because we are accountable for what we know, may I ask this? You seem to have a lot of information that did not come to mind to me in the middle of the night so my question to you is,"What are you doing?"

My whole point is that if the world would pool it's knowledge and resources then these problems could be solved.

I am not nearly as ignorant as you might have thought by my quick note. And obviously, I am not seeing everything either.

The poor cow thing, well it is my personal beleif that they are here for many reasons and though it seems obvious you don't eat meat, there is at least one point that we will just have to disagree on. I know that if there were a cow and a child in a burning barn, the child would be rescued first and the cow only if possible. You would act in the same manner. If you believe that the cow is more important then that would be another discussion.

Tell me this, in what religion ( and I know it is either buddist or hindu) that believes in reincarnation as different life forms? Doesn't this faith also teach levels of greatness. That once you were one creature and then another depending on how you led your previous life? Surely we have more value than a cow.

When you set up something to call holy it is idol worship. Does your god think it is a good thing to worship a cow over him? I'm not being a smart alec, I just want to know.

Please answer.
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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/6/1 18:28
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
Right as for your question in Hinduism
True Hinduism, as i was watching last night on a Muslim channel, a Doctor was showing why the diffreneces in beliefs.
He went through sacred texts of many beliefs and proofed that in all it says God is one and no idiols including Hinduism.
What Hinduism states, diffrent to Muslim is that all is God. through a constant song he sings the universe into creation, muslims state that all belongs to God.
This i have viewed 1st hand, my self in heaven and it is both God is part of the universe, creates the universe, yet also is so much, much more then that.
As for the cow, the cow is sacred as it gives milk and so is precious, not that it should be an idiol as this contradicts the Hindu texts.
This is why the beliefs argue as the pharisee turned Yeshua into an idiol!! Yeshua didn't and i have know this since birth, it is only now, i can put it into words for the world.
Plus as the site's faq's states faith is a feeling not a belief
There is one true faith
One true God
Oneness is heaven
Peace B with u
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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/6/1 21:00
Just popping in
2005/2/15 15:57
Posts: 18
Answer below: (between your post)

"ok. you are only accountable for what you know and and innocent baby doesn't know anything except that it is hungry, hurting or in some other form of need."

But according to Chrisitanity you just have one birth to follow God... Then the baby either will go to "hell" or...will have another chance by taking birth again... now this last option is not available in christianity...So the baby will go to hell which is not what you explained above.

"Because we are accountable for what we know, may I ask this? You seem to have a lot of information that did not come to mind to me in the middle of the night so my question to you is,"What are you doing?"

I am observing as dettached as possible how the Drama of life unfolds accurately and posting some of the knowledge which I learned, sharing with others. Knowing that those that are "doing something" are getting "peace awards" or being killed, and knowing that either way nothing has happened. Things are getting worse every year. Unsensible human beings are trashing our planet. What are you "doing"?

"My whole point is that if the world would pool it's knowledge and resources then these problems could be solved."

That is exctly what every politician will tell you, not mentioning holy men, seers, sacred people and the like...the problem is that there is a big gap between saying it and acting. Can you do something about it?

I am not nearly as ignorant as you might have thought by my quick note. And obviously, I am not seeing everything either.

"The poor cow thing, well it is my personal beleif that they are here for many reasons and though it seems obvious you don't eat meat, there is at least one point that we will just have to disagree on. I know that if there were a cow and a child in a burning barn, the child would be rescued first and the cow only if possible. You would act in the same manner. If you believe that the cow is more important then that would be another discussion. "

The poor cow thing is the same episode as the poor human thing in a third world country or perhaps around your neighborhood... Being completely insensitive to suffering is "fashionable" these days. Believes of who is most important don't matter, what matters is : are you aware of suffering? whether it is a cow or a human being, can you see that? Do you feel mercy? Then.. I can decide to do something, which is not to spend a dime in meat, killing and suffering.. Now as you said above, "if the world would help in the same way, then you wouldn't see the supply and demand thing for killing"... Nice wish. I decided to do something about it .. now is your turn...

"Tell me this, in what religion ( and I know it is either buddist or hindu) that believes in reincarnation as different life forms? Doesn't this faith also teach levels of greatness. That once you were one creature and then another depending on how you led your previous life? Surely we have more value than a cow."

The belief in reincarnation is the "just" answer for the baby problem above. We are souls (I say it one more time), souls take bodies. The soul in that baby will take another body. Huaman souls cannot take animals bodies. Huamans have intellects to recognize who God is, to have the experience of God, animals do not. However, animals have souls too.
The body that you take goes according to your actions in your previous births, this is known as the law of karma.

"When you set up something to call holy it is idol worship. Does your god think it is a good thing to worship a cow over him? I'm not being a smart alec, I just want to know."

There is only one God. He is a soul just like you and me. However, He never took a body; thus He didn't go into rebirth.
Therefore, He doesn't forget like we do. God tells us who we are: souls, but we believe that we are bodies. He tells us that we were worshipers in time. The fruit of all this devotion or whorship, is knowledge. The knowledge of who He really is and the relationship that we have with him, which is eternal.
Body consciousness is what lead us into the 5 vices which in turn separates us from our true nature and our true relationship with God.

"Please answer."
It was a pleasure.

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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/6/6 14:52
Just popping in
2005/5/26 16:08
From 2k/32,BHC,Ranchi,India-834009
Posts: 4
Hi dear brother,
I never talked about any religion. I said , Love & Service to suferers are common in every resligeon. We need to focus only these two to resove differences.
Dr Vaishya.
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